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The Pendleton County 109 Board was created under Kentucky Revised Statue (KRS) 109 and is in charge of solid waste throughout Pendleton County. County Ordinance 820.4 (833KB) lays out the creation of the 109 Board and its duties and objectivies. 

Mission Statement

The mission of the Pendleton County Solid Waste Management (109) Board is to establish, maintain and administer a system to assist the citizens, businesses and other organizations of Pendleton County, and the incorporated cities therein, to reduce, recycle and dispose of solid waste in a safe, economical and lawful manner. The purpose of this activity is to protect the public health and welfare, prevent the creation of nuisances, conserve our natural resources, preserve and improve the beauty and quality of our environment, and enhance our economic opportunity.

How is the 109 Board funded?

The 109 Board is funded by Rumpke.  They receive a dime per ton of waste, per the County Host Agreement, that enters the landfill.

What does the 109 Board do with the money from Rumpke?

This money is only to be used for the purpose of scholarships, educational programs, public information initiatives or similar purposes dealing with conservation, environmental, and similar such concerns.

Solid Waste Coordinator
Billy Steele
Falmouth, KY 41040
Board Members:
Alison Moore, Chairperson
Caitlin Courtney, Secretary
Barth Johnson
Alison Moore
Marty Hess
Brittany Fultz
Robert “Boo” Singleton
Paris Navarro​